Photo by cdd20 on Pixabay
Photo by cdd20 on Pixabay

Who Knows

The future is untold

Veronia Wilson
1 min readApr 13, 2021


If a person should stop

and look back on yesterday

or the day before.

The future is untold.

Many things a person has done

today, yesterday, last year

was never planned.

So to live

We will think about;

Today, tomorrow, next year.

What will we do

What will we not do

Things generally happen.

You wake up, you got an


Or someone gave you an idea

and you invest in it.

That's what happens.

Going to bed does a man really

stop and think about tomorrow

Or he thinks about

What he will do tomorrow

Places to go tomorrow.

We all have plans for tomorrow,

next week, next year

But does a man really knows

What will happen tomorrow?

Sad but true…

Inspirational Poem | Who Knows By Veronia Wilson

Taken from poetry collection titled I Am The Emperor: Spiritual Awakening Memoir

|Link to poetry video on youtube|



Veronia Wilson

Veronia Wilson is a lover of poetry, she has written many poems and self published nine poetry collection on amazon and other leading book retailers.